
Un gráfico de una noticia de la Fundación Pond

Pond Foundation Launches Groundbreaking Verification Platform

Pond Foundation launches Earthtrust, a public platform for businesses and other organisation to prove their claims through radical transparency, data, and documentation.
Un gráfico de una noticia de la Fundación Pond

Pond Foundation GHG Report ISO14064-1 Verified!

The Pond Foundation's My Carbon Zero initiative calculates carbon emissions for members using GHG Protocol and ISO14064-1 standards. They've completed fourteen projects, including Guardian Capital Group in Canada. Guardian sought ISO certification, which was achieved in February 2024 after a process involving initial calculation, pre-verification audit, closing data gaps, and a full audit.
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Pond Foundation is Walking the Walk

In our earlier post with our emissions report, we stated that our current Lifetime Carbon Balance was 42tCO2. Well, today, we’re happy to announce, we’re now at zero having bought these CRCs.
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AgriNet Becomes Newest Pond Foundation Member

AgriNet, with operations in Chamoli District of Uttarakhand, northern India, has joined Pond Foundation.
Un gráfico de una noticia de la Fundación Pond

Launching project WaterSafe

Project WaterSafe is an innovative project that will provide a sustainable clean water supply to communities in need in Ghana.
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Buy food, make an impact

A Message from Chris Langwallner, Founder and CEO of WhatIF Foods, partnering with us, Pond Foundation, the soils and farming communities in Northern Ghana
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Los envases de bebidas y el clima

La justificación climática de la elección de envases de bebidas de WhatIF Foods
Un gráfico de una noticia de la Fundación Pond

Informe de la Fundación Pond sobre emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero: Un paso hacia la neutralidad de carbono

En su último informe, la Pond Foundation ofrece un análisis en profundidad de nuestras emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) en 2022 y su Balance de Carbono a lo largo de la Vida (LCB) desde 2020.