Natural Sweeteners, a USA-based leader in 100% natural sweeteners, has joined the Pond Foundation! Natural Sweeteners is committed to sustainability and healthier food solutions. Together with the Pond Foundation, they aim to advance regenerative supply chains, calculate their Lifetime Carbon Balance, and set new standards for social and environmental excellence. Learn more about this partnership and their mission to drive impactful climate action.

Empresas que actúan con credibilidad
Nuestros miembros son pioneros de una acción responsable fuerte y creíble, liderando el cambio que necesitamos ver en el mundo.
Únase y conviértase en líder mundial de la acción regenerativa creíble, independientemente del tamaño de su organización.
¿Posee, dirige o trabaja para una organización?
¿Busca orientación sobre acción climática, sostenibilidad, cadenas de suministro regenerativas o verificación creíble? Hágase miembro de la Fundación Pond y le ayudaremos:
Asesoramiento sobre clima y sostenibilidad
Informes sobre emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero guiados por la norma ISO 14001
Contabilidad del carbono a lo largo de la vida de la organización
Directrices científicas para la reducción de emisiones
Proyectos de eliminación de carbono de alta calidad
Desarrollo de proyectos innovadores de eliminación de carbono
Asesoramiento en gestión regenerativa de la cadena de suministro
Soluciones de transparencia en la cadena de suministro
Verificación creíble de las reclamaciones
My Carbon Zero
Nuestra principal iniciativa de acción por el clima
Creemos que llegar al carbono cero significa responsabilizarse de todo el carbono que se ha emitido. Por eso creamos una iniciativa para ayudar a organizaciones y particulares a tomar medidas creíbles.
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Regen 21
Crear cadenas de suministro regenerativas para el siglo XXI
Nuestra iniciativa Regen 21 ayuda a los miembros a desarrollar cadenas de suministro regenerativas en todo el mundo. Nuestro primer proyecto es construir una cadena de suministro regenerativa con nuestro miembro WhatIF Foods en Ghana.
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Hilary’s Kids
Nuestra iniciativa de regeneración comunitaria
Hilary Thompson prometió a un niño de una fábrica de latón en la India que dedicaría el resto de su vida a hacer todo lo posible para apoyar a los niños a tener un futuro mejor. Perdimos a Hilary en 2019. Hoy, su familia y la Fundación Pond han creado Hilary's Kids para honrar esta promesa.
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Verificación creíble y radicalmente transparente
Earthtrust es una solución digital diseñada para verificar las afirmaciones de las empresas y aportar niveles sin precedentes de transparencia y verificación directamente al cliente.
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Forest Love
Protecting forests to safeguard life itself – our mission to preserve hectares of vital ecosystems.
So many forests are under threat – from logging, fire, mining, agricultural clearance, pests, and disease and most insidiously, from climate change. If we lose them, we lose life itself. Our goal is to support the protection of as many hectares of forest as we possibly can.
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¿Qué hay de nuevo?

Pond Foundation Launches Groundbreaking Verification Platform
Pond Foundation launches Earthtrust, a public platform for businesses and other organisation to prove their claims through radical transparency, data, and documentation.

Pond Foundation GHG Report ISO14064-1 Verified!
The Pond Foundation's My Carbon Zero initiative calculates carbon emissions for members using GHG Protocol and ISO14064-1 standards. They've completed fourteen projects, including Guardian Capital Group in Canada. Guardian sought ISO certification, which was achieved in February 2024 after a process involving initial calculation, pre-verification audit, closing data gaps, and a full audit.

Pond Foundation is Walking the Walk
In our earlier post with our emissions report, we stated that our current Lifetime Carbon Balance was 42tCO2. Well, today, we’re happy to announce, we’re now at zero having bought these CRCs.

Natural Sweeteners Joins Pond Foundation!
Natural Sweeteners, a USA-based leader in 100% natural sweeteners, has joined the Pond Foundation! Natural Sweeteners is committed to sustainability and healthier food solutions. Together with the Pond Foundation, they aim to advance regenerative supply chains, calculate their Lifetime Carbon Balance, and set new standards for social and environmental excellence. Learn more about this partnership and their mission to drive impactful climate action.

Pond Foundation Launches Groundbreaking Verification Platform
Pond Foundation launches Earthtrust, a public platform for businesses and other organisation to prove their claims through radical transparency, data, and documentation.

Pond Foundation GHG Report ISO14064-1 Verified!
The Pond Foundation's My Carbon Zero initiative calculates carbon emissions for members using GHG Protocol and ISO14064-1 standards. They've completed fourteen projects, including Guardian Capital Group in Canada. Guardian sought ISO certification, which was achieved in February 2024 after a process involving initial calculation, pre-verification audit, closing data gaps, and a full audit.

Pond Foundation is Walking the Walk
In our earlier post with our emissions report, we stated that our current Lifetime Carbon Balance was 42tCO2. Well, today, we’re happy to announce, we’re now at zero having bought these CRCs.