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The Ripple Has Spread To Nature For Justice

The Ripple Has Spread To Nature For Justice

We exist at a time when partnerships seem more important than ever. At least in recent memory, few organizations go on their journey alone. When it’s shared with a kindred spirit, the journey is far less arduous and far more memorable. Pond Foundation and Nature For Justice are about to embark on a united mission to help those most affected by climate change. By creating nature-based solutions to climate change, Nature For Justice believes issues such as economic development, social inclusion and so much more can be done for vulnerable populations confronting climate change around the world. Pond Foundation is a non-profit and exists to change the way the world acts on climate change. Its My Carbon Zero program is dedicated to driving change for good by guiding people to reconnect with themselves and with the planet.This important and timely partnership will be at the forefront of climate change in communities where it’s needed most.The ripple created by Pond Foundation is just beginning to spread and Nature For Justice will ride this ripple as it becomes a wave of positive change for those most vulnerable to our changing climate.For more information contact Scott Poynton of Pond Foundation (WhatsApp: +41 79 445 62 77 or Hank Cauley of Nature For Justice +1-202-262-4433)